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    The Evil Within 2 İnceleme Puanları Yayınlandı

    22 inceleme sonucu ortalama 82
    Game Rant 90
    Cheat Code Central 90
    GameZone 90
    Stevivor 90
    Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 90
    GameCrate 88
    IGN Spain 85
    Spaziogames 85
    Areajugones 85
    Hobby Consolas 82
    GameSpot 80
    Twinfinite 80
    Worth Playing 80
    IGN 80
    Gameblog 80
    IGN Italy 80
    CGMagazine 80
    PlayStation LifeStyle 80
    Game Informer 78
    Game Revolution 70
    GamesRadar+ 70
    Attack of the Fanboy 60
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